Resources for Poetry and Drama This page is under construction. Much more to be added. If you have suggestions, please use the contact link on the main page. Thanks.
'I have never started a poem yet whose end I knew. Writing a poem is discovering.'
Robert Frost
"I'll call for pen and ink and write my mind"
William Shakespeare
Robert Frost
"I'll call for pen and ink and write my mind"
William Shakespeare
Poetry Resources
Poetry for teens
If you’re a teen looking to learn more about the art of reading or writing poetry, is full of resources to help you navigate your way through the verses. On this page, you’ll find essays and advice from renowned poets, recommended reading lists, must-have anthologies, poems, interviews, and more.
24 Must-Share Poems for Middle School and High School
Common Core State Standards Text Exemplars Poems to integrate into your English Language Arts classroom. K-12
Teaching Deeper Thinking With Poetry: Common Core (Great resource for upper elementary.)
"Empowering Incarcerated Youth Through Spoken Word Poetry"
Inspirational link to the work of two young men who have changed their lives and offer others a model for change. Well worth sharing with your students.
Drama Resources
The arts and common core
Folger Library
Great resources from the U.K.
David Farmer is a freelance writer, theatre director and drama consultant. After training as a primary school teacher he founded Tiebreak Theatre Company. He now runs Drama Resource, delivering courses in London and Manchester as well as training for schools, arts organisations and language schools in the UK and internationally.
Multiple content area use of drama.
Incorporate the study of drama and theater in your classroom, whether you're teaching literature, science, or social studies.
Resource for writing
Writing Careers: The Business Behind Becoming an Author
Writing Careers: The Business Behind Becoming an Author