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Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally 4/1/2008 By: Andrew Churches This element of the taxonomy does infer the retrieval of material. This is a key element given the growth in knowledge and information. Click on the picture below to bring up the information.
Click on the link below to access the UCLA Library Research and Writing page...
Terra Tempus is an interactive historical atlas application for windows( mac/linux version coming soon). It allows you to traverse time while viewing the expansion of world powers, then select maps and information to explore in more depth. The program currently has three major modules that specialize in United States History, North and South American History, and Ancient World History each containing thousands of unique maps
Library of Congress Document Based Questions and Primary SourcesFebruary 8, 2012 by Anne Savage This post comes to us from the Library of Congress Teacher In Residence, Earnestine Sweeting. Have you been looking for easy access to primary sources to help students think critically and write analytically?